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Our Secure Online Credit Application

Use this form to apply quickly for credit. We offer same-day, 24-hour approvals on credit applications. Please complete in Desktop Mode.

Business Information

Please select your Wyatt Leasing Representative
Select One:

Information For Applicant #1

Any outstanding judgments,liens,child support, student loans or collections to report?
Prior Bankruptcy?

Information For Applicant #2

Any outstanding judgments,liens,child support, student loans or collections to report?
Prior Bankruptcy?

Haul / Work References

Commercial Credit References

Agriculture Information (if applicable)

Transportation Information (if applicable)

Equipment to be Purchased


The undersigned authorizes and instructs any person or consumer reporting agency to compile and furnish Wyatt Leasing L.L.C. and/or assigns or any credit bureau or other investigative agency employed by Wyatt Leasing with any information it may have or obtain in response to an inquiry from Wyatt Leasing, L.L.C. Such authorization shall extend to obtaining a credit profile in consideration of this application and subsequently for the purpose of update, renewal or the extension of such credit or additional credit and for review and collecting the resulting account, now and from time to time, as may be needed in the credit evaluation and review process; and waives any right or claim they would otherwise have under Fair Credit Reporting Act in the absence of this continuing consent. A Photostat or facsimile copy of this authorization shall be valid as the original. An electronic typed signature shall provide an authorization valid as original signature. By signing below, I/we affirm our identity as the respective individuals identified in the related application:

Thanks for submitting!

104 Cottage Ave. Cashmere, WA 98815

Phone: 509-782-3106
Toll Free: 1-800-845-8516
Fax: 509-667-1546


For any inquiries, questions or applications...
please call:
or Submit a Credit App HERE.

Cashmere Office

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